Monday, December 1, 2008

Ultra-safe electricity supply network

New York, Long Island Power Authority cable node

Last year, Long Island, New York State to install a commercial power grid for the first superconducting transmission lines, the next stop will be New York City. Hydra plan (Project Hydra) will use the energy company American Superconductor Science and Technology developed by liquid nitrogen to cool, ultra-secure transmission lines, power transmission cable that is the conventional copper cables 10 times. Hydra is scheduled to start in 2010 the power grid of Manhattan upgrading project, code-named. This plan is also important that superconducting cables susceptible to damage the current abnormal, so that, once encountered bad weather, accidents or terrorist attacks, major industrial facilities can be a more reliable source of electricity.

  去年,美国纽约州长岛安装了用以商业电网的第一条超导输电缆,下一站将是纽约市。九头蛇计划(Project Hydra)将使用能源科技公司美国超导体公司开发的液氮冷却、超安全输电缆,这种电缆传输的电量是常规铜质电缆的10倍。九头蛇是定于2010年启动的曼哈顿电网升级改造工程的代号。对这一计划同样重要的是,超导电缆不易受到异常电流的破坏,这样,一旦遇到恶劣天气、事故或恐怖分子袭击,重要的工业设施可以得到更可靠的电力来源。